Paris-Saclay Campus - Quartier de Moulon

Retrouver le territoire sur le plateau de Saclay et redonner sens aux aménagements urbains, tel est l'enjeu de notre intervention démarée en 2017, pour servir le projet de la ZAC de MOULON

The first public spaces were created with particular attention to urban comfort thanks to the plant and hydraulic connection between the cultivated plateau and its wooded edge.

The Yvette's valley and the plateau: a territorial unit

Reinforce the continuity between valley and plateau

An old framework reactivated

Carte des Chasses du Roi, XVIIIth century, scale 1/28 000

South edge of the Saclay plateau

Draw the crossings and continuities

Intensify exchanges between valley and plateau

Think the plateau's entrance

Ongoing territorial whole

Two connected entities: City and University

The terrace and the belvedere path offer one of the most beautiful point of view on the Yvette valley

Reinforce and rank the North-South framework

The North-South axis cross the plateau and continue as many continuities with the valley

Hydraulic continuities and runoff water storage

Plants continuity with the edge vocabulary

Pedestrian / cycles continuities

Soils continuity

Urban continuity and discontinuity of the plateau - the main figures and the East-West framework

Chain of neighborhoods and main public spaces

Forecourt of the École Nationale Supérieure

Consolidate the East-West framework of the main public spaces

The edges, ways to think the city - The grid as project

Build the edges

An urban grid meshed and connected to the territory

Strengthen the grid morphology with closed islets and open it to the geography

Water in the heart of public spaces

Soils continuity

Plants continuity

Public Institution Paris-Saclay
Plateau of Saclay - 48°42’43.88’’N / 2°9’50.61’’E
Germe & JAM, Urbasnists - ARTELIA Ville & Transports, bet Roads and networks - SCENE PUBLIQUE, Lighting Designer
Budget / Area
80 € / 350 ha
2017 - 2023